Interface for Heterosis Breading Process
Heterosis is a unique flower hybridization experience, in which participants can cultivate their own animated nft flowers.

working on the task, i designed a UX/UI-solution of breeding 2 existing nfts into a new one. the solution was created in consistency to the existing design-system.
platform: web, mobile
team: me as ui/ux designer, product manager, developers
jan, 2023
Interface for Heterosis Breading Process
define the entry point according to current product
We embed the flow into the finished product, so it is worth considering the current principle of creating layouts and determining where the entry point will be.
Technically the process looks like creating new instead of previous one, so the entry point is located on the page of users flower.
designed a page for choosing the Parent B
The main feature of this function is to get a unique set of flower parameters, so it was the main task to demonstrate the parental parameters while choosing.
so I decided to split the screen into two blocks. in the left is the user’s nft, and in the right is the search block for a new flower
waiting flow
At every stage after breeding, the main task was to keep the user aware of what is happening with his flower.
so while the user is waiting for preview generating, there is a notification about the breeding status on the flower screen.
accepting flow
The flow of refusing or accepting a flower requires the attention of the user, because it is associated with money and is not obvious.
Therefore, before the user selects one of the actions, he must agree to the rules and only after that perform the action.
← before accepting the rules
↓ before accepting the rules
← popup of rules
↓ popup of rules
← the rules are accepted, the button is active, you can perform an action
↓ the rules are accepted, the button is active, you can perform an action
anastasia miagkova.
all rights reserved 2023
metrics, insights and achives
hypothesis was that users get to finish. metrics are coming soon.

creating this user path helps to get out how build complex scenario of unfamiliar things.
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